[asterisk-users] capiAnswerFax

Michiel van Baak michiel at vanbaak.info
Tue Nov 7 11:41:43 MST 2006

On 15:34, Tue 07 Nov 06, Pedro Silva wrote:
> Excellent, Michiel! This works :)
> You know what kind of file it is created (SFF)?
> Can you send to me the example faxreceive.php?
> Thanks and best regards!
> PS.


Glad it worked. The generated file is a 'Structured Fax
The faxreceive.php is not that important in this case. All
it does is lookup customer that sends the fax in our CRM
application and moves the faxfile to the binary datastore of
our CRM application.
But if you're still interested here is the subversion view
of it:

What's more interesting for you I think is how you can
convert this file into something more common.

The code is here:
line 80 and below.

Basically you can run the following commandline tools on the
file to create a .pdf
sfftobmp -t <origfaxfile> -o <sometifffile.tif>
tiff2pdf -o <somepdffile.pdf> <sometifffile.tif>

Good luck

Michiel van Baak
michiel at vanbaak.eu
GnuPG key: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x71C946BD

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