[Asterisk-Users] Can Asterisk work in a proxy setting- a challenge

Steve Jones sjones at ftdata.com
Tue May 23 09:02:00 MST 2006

First of all, I assume that since you're asking the question, you want to trunk, or send/receive calls that are on the OTHER SIDE of a proxy from you.  Certainly asterisk, as a PBX, can service local IP phones, and connect to PSTN lines, without regard to ANY internet connection.

Proxy servers are application based, so the proxy has to understand and process each application specifically.   

"Proxy" is generally used to describe a web (http) proxy, but it could be any application (ftp, telnet, etc).   There are proxy plug-ins for applications, but those are going to be specific to the application, and the specific proxy program you're using, so the proper thing for you to do would be to first decide what you want to put THROUGH the proxy (H323/SIP/IAX2, etc) and then see if your proxy vendor has a module that'll support that protocol.  

I don't have any experience trying to do this, but my gut feeling is that it's not going to be feasible - Not because it's technically impossible or anything (although it may be - I'm not an expert in writing proxy plugins), but specifically because there's most certainly going to be some overhead, delay, buffering, etc in the proxy, and it's going to be technically impractical to do high-quality VoIP..  I could be proven wrong though - I think there are H323 modules for some proxy systems.  


From: Paul David [mailto:dasuccesstee1 at yahoo.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2006 10:40 AM
To: asterisk-users at lists.digium.com
Subject: [Asterisk-Users] Can Asterisk work in a proxy setting- a challenge 

Hi all !
I know asterisk works in a direct internet settings and can also work in a natting settings.
This is a simple question,but am sure  it will challenge the GURU in the house .
Prove me wrong !
Expecting your reply  in any form .
How low will we go? Check out Yahoo! Messenger's low PC-to-Phone call rates.

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