[Asterisk-Users] Digium TDM400P vs Sangoma A200 for 2 x FXO

Nick Chalk nick at linuxetc.co.uk
Tue May 2 13:53:46 MST 2006

Chris Bagnall <asterisk at minotaur.cc> wrote:
> The site in Northampton with 3 FXO has been an
> absolute nightmare over the last 9 months the
> system's been in place.
> Once asterisk 1.2 was deployed, things improved
> remarkably.

Do you think that was improved code in v1.2, or
the result of your calibration?

> I took the time on-site to properly configure
> the txgain and rxgain using a milliwatt tone
> coming from one of our other servers in a
> datacentre

Is that procedure documented somewhere? I've found
the asterisk config for generating the tone, but
what are you measuring on the test system to set
the correct gains?

> One thing worth checking with BT - if you can
> find someone who can give you an accurate answer


> - is whether the Featureline will give you
> disconnect supervision. If it will, so much the
> better, as * 1.2 seems to have usable support
> for it.

Thanks, I'll look into that.

> It's still not as good as the building next door
> where they have 2 ISDN BRIs

Yes, that might make life easier. I don't think I
can make the argument for converting to ISDN yet,
though. :-/

Thanks, Chris!


Nick Chalk ................. once a Radio Designer
 Confidence is failing to understand the problem.

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