[Asterisk-Users] dial plan logic

Miles Scruggs asterisk at garnetweb.com
Thu Mar 30 00:56:28 MST 2006

If anyone could please help me with this, that would be very helpful.

Miles Scruggs wrote:
> Just starting to enjoy the full features of asterisk, I do have a 
> couple questions though, that I can't seem to find answers for in the 
> wiki, just wondering if someone could light my way.
> after a caller has made their choice of options in the dial plan, I 
> would like them to be placed on "hold" (music, not ringing) while the 
> system processes through the rest of the dial plan attempting to 
> locate a callee.  For instance if there is a complex logic of order of 
> ext to try before going to voicemail then the callee would here 
> "Please enjoy the music while your party is reached" ....tunes.....
> during that time it can ring multiple extensions, at the same time, 
> then after that hunt through various ext until the appropriate party 
> is reached, or if not then it will fall to voicemail.
> I understand a queue in its most basic function will do this, but a 
> queue doesn't seem to be conducive to dialplan logic, it is setup more 
> for a call center situation.  Ideally I would like to put in prompts 
> which will ask them if they would like to continue to hold if need be 
> (ie everyone is on the phone) or go to a voicemail, or if no one is 
> answering then it will go to voicemail etc.  Also the second feature I 
> would like to impliment in the logic, below, seems a little hard to do 
> in a queue.
> The second feature I would like, although it will be used in the above 
> situation, can stand on its own.  This is the ability to call an 
> outside line say a cell phone, but the two parties would not be 
> connected unless a key combination was entered by a callee.
> For instance, a caller would get music on hold while the system dialed 
> out to someones cell phone, when the cell user answered they would 
> here "you have an incoming call from ###-###-####, press 1 to take the 
> call, press 2 to send the call to voicemail, press 3 to return the 
> call to the system (which would then either hunt out someone else, or 
> voicemail the caller)
> The specific reason I need the key combo to answer the phone instead 
> of just directly dialing the cell is that when the call reaches the 
> cells voicemail it will assume it has been answered, and connect the 
> two, which is not what I want to happen.
> Again I can see some partial solutions here namely call parking, but 
> that leaves a lot of questions unanswered such as how to have the 
> system perform the outbound calling, and perform the logic based on 
> the feedback.
> I know I'm well outside the realm of the standard "please enter the 
> ext of the person you are calling" /voicemail standard systems, but 
> I'm guessing this is exactly what asterisk was designed for.
> thanks
> Miles Scruggs
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