[Asterisk-Users] best MTU?

Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak mjc at avtechpulse.com
Thu Mar 23 05:50:19 MST 2006

Hi all,

I have several locations, each connected by a Sonicwall VPN through 
PPPOE DSL, with Snom 360 phones.

I've found that I have to tweak the Asterisk server MTU (inside one of 
the firewalls) to get everything to work "just right". Set the server 
MTU too low, and the Snom phones don't communicate correctly anymore. 
Too high and the phones work, but the server can't access the web (for 
yum updates, for example).

So I've settled on an MTU of 1448.

Has anyone else struggled with this? What did you settle on?

- Mike

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