[Asterisk-Users] Re: regexten

Charles Marcus CMarcus at Media-Brokers.com
Fri Mar 17 16:20:43 MST 2006

On 3/17/2006 Douglas Garstang (dgarstang at oneeighty.com) wrote:
> It doesn't matter how often I expect them to go down. You have to 
> plan for the worst. People are used to say, being unable to access a 
> web page for a few minutes. Heck, they might not even notice. 
> However, when someone's phone system goes down, you can bet your 
> bottom dollar that they will notice pretty damn fast, and they expect 
> it to always be working.

There isn't a phnoe/phone system in the WORLD that 'always works'.

100% uptime is IMPOSSIBLE.

The cost increases exponentially, the closer to 100% you want to get, 
but you will never get there.

I think 5 9's is perfectly acceptable, even for the most demanding, 
high-powered executive.


Best regards,


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