[Asterisk-Users] Attended Transfer - transfer timeout, how to change?

Barry Flanagan barryf-lists at flanagan.ie
Thu Mar 16 03:24:27 MST 2006

Kevin Bockman wrote:
> Barry Flanagan wrote:
>> Hi,
>> We are trying to use attended transfer with Asterisk 1.2.5, but when 
>> we do the transfer and dial the new number, it times out after 3 rings 
>> and then the callee is put back to the original agent.
>> Where can I adjust the timeout which applies to the number we are 
>> transferring to? I have changed the extension for this number to 
>> timeout at 60 seconds, but that seems to make no difference.
> There's no need to ask multiple times.  I was a couple days behind.  The 
> list is probably a little delayed because of VON.

Sorry, but I was desparate to find the answer and thought the original 
had got lost in the ether!

> As far as I know, there isn't a variable for this.  I made a patch to 
> change the hard-coded value.  I set it to 20sec instead of 15.  Adjust 
> accordingly.

Perfect, thank you very much. This has solved my problem. I will look at 
producing a patch to make this a set-able parameter in features.conf and 
submit to the bugtracker.

-Barry Flanagan

> Kevin
> --- res/res_features.c.dist    2006-01-14 16:57:54.000000000 -0700
> +++ res/res_features.c    2006-01-14 16:58:40.000000000 -0700
> @@ -721,7 +721,7 @@
>          cid_name = transferer->cid.cid_name;
>          if (ast_exists_extension(transferer, 
> transferer_real_context,xferto, 1, cid_num)) {
>              snprintf(dialstr, sizeof(dialstr), "%s@%s/n", xferto, 
> transferer_real_context);
> -            newchan = ast_feature_request_and_dial(transferer, "Local", 
> ast_best_codec(transferer->nativeformats), dialstr, 15000, &outstate, 
> cid_num, cid_name);
> +            newchan = ast_feature_request_and_dial(transferer, "Local", 
> ast_best_codec(transferer->nativeformats), dialstr, 20000, &outstate, 
> cid_num, cid_name);
>              ast_indicate(transferer, -1);
>              if (newchan) {
>                  res = ast_channel_make_compatible(transferer, newchan);

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