[Asterisk-Users] perl AGI won't run from extensions.conf

Richard Reina rf_reina at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 1 11:54:42 MST 2006

Dear Asterisk Nation,
  I am attempting to write a perl AGI script that will give the caller  status of a P.O.  When I run the script directly (by hand) it  executes.  I know this because it leaves data in TEST.txt.   However, when I try to execute it via extensions.conf the CLI says it  executes returning 0, but it does not dump data into TEST.txt.   Can anyone help me determine why?
  extensions.conf  (snippet)
  exten => 830,1,Read(Contno,enterpono,6,s)
  exten => 830,2,Wait(1.2)
  exten => 830,3,SatDigits(${Contno:0:6})
  exten => 830,4,AGI(AP_info.agi|${Contno})
  use Asterisk::AGI->new();
  my ($contno) = $ARGV[0];
  open (TEST, ">>/home/richard/TEST.txt") or die "Can't open"
  print TEST "CONTNO " . $contno . "\n";
  close (TEST);
  use DBI;
  my $dbh = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=accounting;",$user,$pass);
  my $q = "SELECT amount, INV_RCVD, CHK_CUT, CHK_NO
                FROM payable p
                WHERE contno = ?";
  my $sth = $dbh->prepare($q);
  my ($amount, $rcvd, $cut, $cno) = $sth->fetchrow_array;
  if ($cno > 1) {
      $agi->exec('SayDigits', $amount);
      return $amount, $rcvd, $cut, $cno;
  } elsif ($rcvd > 1) {
      $agi->exec('SayDigits', $amount);
      return $amount, $rcvd;
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