[Asterisk-Users] Re: sipura 841 mass provisioning

Alan Ferrency alan at pair.com
Wed Mar 1 08:35:11 MST 2006

"Joash Herbrink" <Joash.Herbrink at Kahuna.nl> wrote:

> I have bought 70 sipura 841 phones for a customer of mine.
> When following the mass provisioning guide in the admin manual for the
> sipura, I see it download the spa841.cfg file from my tftp server.
> Sometimes the phone also downloads is phone specific file via tftp, and
> it works okay then.
> But, after a reboot of the phone, it is very very likely that it won't
> startup properly.
> Several reboots and factory default reset later, it sometimes works.
> Has anybody successfully done a mass provisioning of sipura 841 phones,
> and got it working, even after reboots.

We are mass provisioning Sipura 841's as well.

After a normal reboot, our phone retains its previous configuration, so
as long as that configuration has not changed, we're fine.

However, if we do change the configuration, we have the same issue
that you have: it does not pick up the new configuration without a lot
of coaxing.

The phones are configured for "reprovision after restart." What usually
works for me, to get it to pick up a new configuration, is to "factory
reset," then "reboot", then "restart" (or possibly "restart" then

I have not tried changing the provisioning URL in the initial spa841.cfg
TFTP file. I know with firmware files, it almost always reprovisions the
firmware if it gets a different firmware URL. Maybe the same would
happen with a different config URL?

The last thing I'd try would be to skip the two-step provisioning, and
put your entire configuration in the initial spa841.cfg. This seems to
be loaded on Every boot, and there's nothing preventing you from putting
the whole configuration in there. My only problem with this is that I
can't specify per-MAC configuration elements easily this way, because
I'm provisioning most of the configuration via an HTTP cgi-bin script.

Tell me if you have any luck,

Alan Ferrency
pair Networks, Inc.
alan at pair.com

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