[Asterisk-Users] Asterisk- with Siemens HiPath 4000

richard Coco coco_richard at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 26 07:08:06 MST 2006

Hi Josué

if the Siemens phone calls Asterisk, it didn't get a
dial tone from Asterisk? Is it correct?

if yes, this is depending of Asterisk which didn't
generates a ringback messages as it expexts dial ton
generation localy. So try this workaround for HiPath
local dial ton generation:
-> Add option TR6Q(TRGT) to the class of trunk (COT)

hope it will help...


--- Josué Conti <josueconti at gmail.com> wrote:

>   Hello all.
>  I have installed and functioning asterisk-
> where I effected one
> upgrade in asterisk-1.0.9, is interconnected with a
> PABX Siemens HiPath 4000
> in ISDN PRI with protocol QSIG, the one that is
> happening he is that the
> calls originated for PABX Siemens and destined to
> SIP phones asterisk are
> being without audio, nor Ring, is dumb. They could
> help in this case me?
> Best Regards
> Josué
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