[Asterisk-Users] SIP Softphone on Thinclient?

Jean-Denis Girard jd.girard at sysnux.pf
Tue Jun 20 14:47:55 MST 2006

Olivier Krief a écrit :
> 2006/6/20, Jean-Denis Girard <jd.girard at sysnux.pf 
> <mailto:jd.girard at sysnux.pf>>:
>     May I advertise MozIAX (moziax.mozdev.org <http://moziax.mozdev.org>) ?
>     It is well suited to thin client environment, because the user interface
>     (Firefox extension) and the "engine" (iax and sound management)
>     communicate through network, so you can run the UI on the server, and
>     the engine on the thin client, and you don't need to run a network sound
>     system on the thin client. I think it gives better sound quality.
> Jean-Denis, could you elaborate ?
> Do you mean that :
> 1. you don't need to install anything on  your thin client
> 2. mozIAX is capable to use local sound resources

Hi Olivier,

What I called the "engine" above is network_client, a small self 
contained program (written in C, no dependency on whatever libs), which 
takes care of IAX and sound management directly, thanks to libiaxclient. 
network_client can run as a local application on the thin client, so it 
uses local sound system.
Then Firefox (and MozIAX, as an extension) is run on the server (display 
exported to thin client). The FF extension and network_client 
communicate via network when needed (eg. new call coming in, or user 
dialing a number).
I've been using MozIAX like that for some time in an LTSP environment 
with a few clients: iax packets and sound are managed locally on the 
thin client, so sound quality isn't impacted by another layer (sound 
server). The original question was about a win ce environment: I don't 
see any reason why it would not work there too.
Should you have more questions about moziax, its mailing would be more 
appropriate: http://moziax.mozdev.org/list.html.

Jean-Denis Girard

SysNux                  Systèmes Linux en Polynésie française
http://www.sysnux.pf/   Tél: +689 483 527 / GSM: +689 797 527

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