[Asterisk-Users] Asterisk voicemail problem with isdn avm fritz!card

Armin Schindler armin at melware.de
Mon Jun 19 04:48:07 MST 2006

On Mon, 19 Jun 2006, Benjamin Sebbah wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I have Asterisk SVN-trunk-r7498 installed on a server (celeron 2.4 Ghz,
> 256MB) with a TDM40b a TDM04b and an avm fritz!card pci. 
> I experience a problem with voicemail: my messages are good unless the
> incoming call comes from isdn, which means via the avm fritz!card. In
> this case (and in this case only) the message is disjointed and I can
> hear at most 1 second out of a 1 minute message.
> If the message comes from TDM400 then the message is perfect (even
> though I still have a problem to detect the end of the call but that's
> no big deal)
> If the incoming call is answered (and not sent to voicemail because busy
> or unavail) the sound is perfect.

I never heard of such a problem before. Can you please create a log of such 
a call with
  set verbose 9
  capi debug
(might be big)

> I hope you'll be able to help me.
> Thanks
> Benjamin SEBBAH
> ADUNEO France
> Here are my config files:
> </etc/asterisk/capi.conf>
> [general]
> nationalprefix=0
> internationalprefix=00
> rxgain=0.8
> txgain=0.8
> language=fr      ;set default language
> [ISDN1]          ;this example interface gets name 'ISDN1' and may be any
>                  ;name not starting with 'g' or 'contr'.
> isdnmode=DID     ;'MSN' (point-to-multipoint) or 'DID' (direct inward dial)
>                  ;when using NT-mode, 'DID' should be set in any case
> incomingmsn=*    ;allow incoming calls to this list of MSNs/DIDs, * = any
> controller=1     ;capi controller number to use
> group=9          ;dialout group
> softdtmf=on      ;enable/disable software dtmf detection, recommended
> for AVM cards
> relaxdtmf=on     ;in addition to softdtmf, you can use relaxed dtmf
> detection
> accountcode=     ;Asterisk accountcode to use in CDRs
> context=capi-in  ;context for incoming calls
> echosquelch=1   ;_VERY_PRIMITIVE_ echo suppression
> echocancelold=yes;use facility selector 6 instead of correct 8
> (necessary for older eicon drivers)
> echotail=64     ;echo cancel tail setting
> devices=2        ;number of concurrent calls on this controller
>                  ;(2 makes sense for single BRI, 30 for PRI)
> and the interesting lines from </etc/asterisk/extensions.conf>:
> [general]
> static=yes
> writeprotect=no
> autofallthrough=yes
> clearglobalvars=no
> priorityjumping=no
> [globals]
> PIERRE=Zap/1
> MARC=SIP/marc
> FT_FREE=Zap/5
> FT_ALICE=Zap/6
> [macro-repondeur]
> ;   ${ARG1} - Extension  (we could have used ${MACRO_EXTEN} here as well
> ;   ${ARG2} - Device(s) to ring
> ; 
> exten => s,1,Dial(${ARG2},15,rWw)			; Ring the interface, 15 seconds maximum
> exten => s,2,Goto(s-${DIALSTATUS},1)		; Jump based on status
> exten => s-NOANSWER,1,Voicemail(u${ARG1})	; If unavailable, send to
> voicemail w/ unavail announce
> ;exten => s-NOANSWER,2,Goto(default,s,1)		; If they press #, return to start
> exten => s-BUSY,1,Voicemail(b${ARG1})		; If busy, send to voicemail w/
> busy announce
> ;exten => s-BUSY,2,Goto(default,s,1)		; If they press #, return to start
> exten => _s-.,1,Goto(s-NOANSWER,1)			; Treat anything else as no answer
> exten => a,1,VoicemailMain(${ARG1})		; If they press *, send the user
> into VoicemailMain
> [capi-in]
> ;standard: fait tout sonner
> exten => 3090,1,Answer;
> ;exten => 3090,2,Macro(repondeur,8427,${OPENSPACE}&${MARC}&${PIERRE});
> exten => 3090,2,Macro(repondeur,8427,${OPENSPACE}&${PIERRE});
> ;Service technique
> exten => 3091,1,Answer;
> ;exten => 3091,2,Macro(repondeur,3091,${OPENSPACE}&${MARC});
> exten => 3091,2,Macro(repondeur,3091,${OPENSPACE});
> ;Service commercial
> exten => 3092,1,Answer;
> exten => 3092,2,Macro(repondeur,3092,${PATRICK});
> ;Direction technique
> exten => 3093,1,Answer;
> ;exten => 3093,2,Macro(repondeur,3093,${MARC});
> exten => 3093,2,Macro(repondeur,3093,${OPENSPACE});
> ;non assigne pour le moment fait sonner uniquement le DECT
> exten => 3094,1,Answer;
> exten => 3094,2,Macro(repondeur,3094,${OPENSPACE});
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