[Asterisk-Users] FreePBX 2.1.0: Manually rewriting extensions_additional.conf

Lachek Butalek lachek at gmail.com
Thu Jun 8 09:24:24 MST 2006

Figuring I knew what I was doing (I didn't - surprise) I added a
totally unnecessary line in /etc/asterisk/extensions_additional.conf a
couple of days ago. Troubleshooting a dialing rule issue, I'm now
realizing that FreePBX is updating its database with the new settings
but is not rewriting/updating extensions_additional.conf with the
changes I'm making.

I've tried renaming the file, changing its ownership, changing its
permissions, restarting the portal, all without any success. Web
resources on this issue claim the opposite problem - that custom
changes to extensions_additional.conf will be automatically rewritten
every time FreePBX/AMP is updated. If that was true, I'd be done -
unfortunately, it seems this is not the case.

I really don't want to reinstall FreePBX and redo my entire
configuration again... :(

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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