[Asterisk-Users] Controlling Cisco 7960 Ringtone from Asterisk

Jeremiah Millay jeremiah at rockriver.net
Wed Jun 7 09:55:10 MST 2006

I'm trying to change the ring tone on my 7960 from the dialplan. I've 
tried the example on the wiki but it doesn't seem to work. Something like:

exten => 3010,1,SetVar(ALERT_INFO=<Bellcore-dr1>)   ; selects Ringer
exten => 3010,2,Dial(SIP/3010,15)

I'm not sure what the Bellcore-dr1 ringer is supposed to be. I've tried 
replacing ALERT_INFO with another ring tone I have on my system 
(merlin2, merlin3, etc) but I've had no luck .
I'm running Asterisk The 7960 phones have 7.4 SIP firmware 
loaded on them

Here is what is in my RINGLIST.DAT file:

R2D2            r2d2.raw
Meow            meow.raw
Galaga          galaga.raw
Ahh!            ahh.pcm
Doh!            doh.pcm
Old Style       ringer1.pcm
Synth Low       ringer2.pcm
Dungeon         ringer3.pcm
Lightbulb       ringer4.pcm
Synth High      ringer6.pcm
Are You There M AreYouThere.raw
Are You There F AreYouThereF.raw
ClockShop       ClockShop.raw
Curley          Curley.raw
Drums 1         Drums1.raw
Drums 2         Drums2.raw
FilmScore       FilmScore.raw
FlintPhone      FlintPhone.raw
HarpSynth       HarpSynth.raw
Jamaica         Jamaica.raw
Klaxons         Klaxons.raw
KotoEffect      KotoEffect.raw
MusicBox        MusicBox.raw
Neuro           Neuro.raw
Ohno            Ohno.raw
Piano 1         Piano1.raw
Piano 2         Piano2.raw
Pop             Pop.raw
Pulse           Pulse1.raw
Saxaphone 1     Sax1.raw
Saxaphone 2     Sax2.raw
Asleep          asleep.raw
Caramba         caramba.raw
MayIHelp        mayihelp.raw
Dilbert Boss    SICA-dilbert-BungeeBoss.raw
Dilbert Meeting SICA-dilbert-PHB.raw
NyukNyuk        NyukNyuk.raw
Merlin2         merlin2.pcm
Merlin3         merlin3.pcm
Merlin4         merlin4.pcm
Merlin5         merlin5.pcm
Merlin6         merlin6.pcm
Merlin7         merlin7.pcm

If any one has this working any help would be appreciated.

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