[asterisk-users] Asterisk 1.4 Schedule and Features/Changes

Russell Bryant russell at digium.com
Thu Jul 27 21:56:17 MST 2006

On Thu, 2006-07-27 at 15:50 -0700, Max Clark wrote:
> Asterisk 1.4 was originally scheduled to be released "early July
> 2006". Is there an update on the expected release of this version?
> Also is there a changelog or feature list available that lists the
> differences over 1.2?

I wish had a better answer for when it would be released, but the true
answer is "when it's ready".  There are some features that we have
committed to having in this release that have not yet been merged.  For
example, one of the features still pending for 1.4 is IMAP support for
voicemail storage.

We have not yet written the document that contains the high level
overview of the new features in Asterisk 1.4.  Though, we will have that
done before the actual release is made.

Just as an interesting little bit of information, I thought it would be
interesting to generate a diff between the 1.2 branch and the trunk the
other day to see what it looked like as a rough idea of the amount of
activity we have had in the different parts of the tree.  The diff
turned out to be 8.6 MB.  Note that this isn't necessarily always a good
indication of what real changes have been made, because this also
includes changes that were just formatting, or just code getting moved
around.  In any case, here is the output of the diffstat application on
the diff between the 1.2 branch and the trunk for the sake of amusement
if nothing else.

# diffstat 1.2-trunk.diff
 .cleancount                                |    2
 CREDITS                                    |   66
 HARDWARE                                   |   70
 Makefile                                   |  807
 Makefile.moddir_rules                      |   68
 Makefile.rules                             |   93
 README                                     |   29
 README.fpm                                 |    8
 SECURITY                                   |   67
 UPGRADE.txt                                |  449
 abstract_jb.c                              |  784
 acinclude.m4                               |  100
 acl.c                                      |  130
 aclocal.m4                                 |   14
 aescrypt.c                                 |   14
 aeskey.c                                   |   12
 agi/Makefile                               |   34
 agi/eagi-sphinx-test.c                     |    5
 agi/eagi-test.c                            |    5
 agi/jukebox.agi                            |  488
 alaw.c                                     |    3
 app.c                                      |  757
 apps/Makefile                              |  126
 apps/app_adsiprog.c                        |   45
 apps/app_alarmreceiver.c                   |   59
 apps/app_amd.c                             |  417
 apps/app_authenticate.c                    |  132
 apps/app_cdr.c                             |   33
 apps/app_chanisavail.c                     |   62
 apps/app_channelredirect.c                 |  152
 apps/app_chanspy.c                         |  574
 apps/app_controlplayback.c                 |   41
 apps/app_curl.c                            |  256
 apps/app_cut.c                             |  473
 apps/app_datetime.c                        |  101
 apps/app_db.c                              |  194
 apps/app_dial.c                            | 1429 -
 apps/app_dictate.c                         |   80
 apps/app_directed_pickup.c                 |  160
 apps/app_directory.c                       |  215
 apps/app_disa.c                            |  152
 apps/app_dumpchan.c                        |   96
 apps/app_echo.c                            |   83
 apps/app_enumlookup.c                      |  270
 apps/app_eval.c                            |  127
 apps/app_exec.c                            |  190
 apps/app_externalivr.c                     |   88
 apps/app_festival.c                        |   68
 apps/app_flash.c                           |   46
 apps/app_followme.c                        | 1120 +
 apps/app_forkcdr.c                         |   35
 apps/app_getcpeid.c                        |   33
 apps/app_groupcount.c                      |  340
 apps/app_hasnewvoicemail.c                 |  212
 apps/app_ices.c                            |   35
 apps/app_image.c                           |   37
 apps/app_intercom.c                        |  234
 apps/app_ivrdemo.c                         |   34
 apps/app_lookupblacklist.c                 |   68
 apps/app_lookupcidname.c                   |   44
 apps/app_macro.c                           |   72
 apps/app_math.c                            |  297
 apps/app_md5.c                             |  205
 apps/app_meetme.c                          | 2135 +-
 apps/app_milliwatt.c                       |   59
 apps/app_mixmonitor.c                      |  100
 apps/app_morsecode.c                       |  191
 apps/app_mp3.c                             |   31
 apps/app_nbscat.c                          |   33
 apps/app_osplookup.c                       | 1713 +
 apps/app_page.c                            |   66
 apps/app_parkandannounce.c                 |   72
 apps/app_playback.c                        |  402
 apps/app_privacy.c                         |   48
 apps/app_queue.c                           | 2374 +-
 apps/app_random.c                          |   50
 apps/app_read.c                            |  162
 apps/app_readfile.c                        |   35
 apps/app_realtime.c                        |   93
 apps/app_record.c                          |   44
 apps/app_rpt.c                             | 2970 ++
 apps/app_sayunixtime.c                     |   92
 apps/app_senddtmf.c                        |   76
 apps/app_sendtext.c                        |   53
 apps/app_setcallerid.c                     |   42
 apps/app_setcdruserfield.c                 |   43
 apps/app_setcidname.c                      |  132
 apps/app_setcidnum.c                       |  131
 apps/app_setrdnis.c                        |  132
 apps/app_settransfercapability.c           |   37
 apps/app_skel.c                            |  108
 apps/app_sms.c                             |   96
 apps/app_softhangup.c                      |   31
 apps/app_speech_utils.c                    |  811
 apps/app_sql_postgres.c                    |  572
 apps/app_stack.c                           |   42
 apps/app_system.c                          |   31
 apps/app_talkdetect.c                      |   34
 apps/app_test.c                            |   30
 apps/app_transfer.c                        |   47
 apps/app_txtcidname.c                      |  164
 apps/app_url.c                             |   39
 apps/app_userevent.c                       |   84
 apps/app_verbose.c                         |  141
 apps/app_voicemail.c                       | 2559 +-
 apps/app_waitforring.c                     |   29
 apps/app_waitforsilence.c                  |   28
 apps/app_while.c                           |  148
 apps/app_zapateller.c                      |   29
 apps/app_zapbarge.c                        |   48
 apps/app_zapras.c                          |   51
 apps/app_zapscan.c                         |   49
 ast_expr2.c                                | 1402 -
 ast_expr2.fl                               |  272
 ast_expr2.h                                |   47
 ast_expr2.y                                |   90
 ast_expr2f.c                               | 1037 -
 asterisk.8                                 |   13
 asterisk.c                                 | 1018 -
 asterisk.sgml                              |   15
 astmm.c                                    |   96
 autoservice.c                              |  124
 bootstrap.sh                               |   41
 build_tools/cflags.xml                     |   24
 build_tools/get_makeopts                   |    3
 build_tools/get_moduleinfo                 |    3
 build_tools/make_buildopts_h               |   13
 build_tools/make_defaults_h                |    5
 build_tools/make_svn_branch_name           |   50
 build_tools/make_version                   |   56
 build_tools/menuselect-deps.in             |   31
 build_tools/mkpkgconfig                    |   43
 build_tools/prep_moduledeps                |   73
 buildinfo.c                                |    3
 callerid.c                                 |  501
 cdr.c                                      |  406
 cdr/Makefile                               |  136
 cdr/cdr_csv.c                              |  109
 cdr/cdr_custom.c                           |   32
 cdr/cdr_manager.c                          |   25
 cdr/cdr_odbc.c                             |   35
 cdr/cdr_pgsql.c                            |  154
 cdr/cdr_radius.c                           |  280
 cdr/cdr_sqlite.c                           |   32
 cdr/cdr_tds.c                              |   49
 channel.c                                  | 2691 +-
 channels/Makefile                          |  223
 channels/adtranvofr.h                      |  105
 channels/chan_agent.c                      | 1250 -
 channels/chan_alsa.c                       |  118
 channels/chan_features.c                   |  160
 channels/chan_h323.c                       |  138
 channels/chan_iax2.c                       | 3321 +--
 channels/chan_jingle.c                     | 1644 +
 channels/chan_local.c                      |  302
 channels/chan_mgcp.c                       |  658
 channels/chan_misdn.c                      | 3756 ++-
 channels/chan_misdn_config.c               | 1083 -
 channels/chan_modem.c                      | 1111 -
 channels/chan_modem_aopen.c                |  501
 channels/chan_modem_bestdata.c             |  613
 channels/chan_modem_i4l.c                  |  743
 channels/chan_nbs.c                        |   36
 channels/chan_oss.c                        |  347
 channels/chan_oss_old.c                    | 1132 -
 channels/chan_phone.c                      |  119
 channels/chan_sip.c                        |12220 +++++++-----
 channels/chan_skinny.c                     | 4451 ++--
 channels/chan_vpb.c                        | 3051 ---
 channels/chan_vpb.cc                       | 3064 +++
 channels/chan_zap.c                        | 2687 +-
 channels/h323/Makefile                     |   10
 channels/h323/ast_h323.cpp                 |    2
 channels/h323/h323.conf.sample             |   26
 channels/iax2-parser.c                     |   40
 channels/iax2-parser.h                     |   36
 channels/iax2-provision.c                  |   90
 channels/iax2-provision.h                  |   14
 channels/iax2.h                            |    1
 channels/misdn/Makefile                    |   58
 channels/misdn/chan_misdn_config.h         |   47
 channels/misdn/fac.c                       |  313
 channels/misdn/fac.h                       |    8
 channels/misdn/ie.c                        |  353
 channels/misdn/isdn_lib.c                  | 2733 +-
 channels/misdn/isdn_lib.h                  |  146
 channels/misdn/isdn_lib_intern.h           |   19
 channels/misdn/isdn_msg_parser.c           |  387
 channels/misdn/mISDN.patch                 | 2500 --
 channels/misdn/mISDNuser.patch             |  271
 channels/misdn/portinfo.c                  |    1
 channels/misdn_config.c                    | 1054 +
 chanvars.c                                 |   51
 cli.c                                      | 1141 -
 codecs/Makefile                            |  127
 codecs/codec_a_mu.c                        |  345
 codecs/codec_adpcm.c                       |  555
 codecs/codec_alaw.c                        |  441
 codecs/codec_g723_1.c                      |  418
 codecs/codec_g726.c                        |  611
 codecs/codec_gsm.c                         |  326
 codecs/codec_ilbc.c                        |  265
 codecs/codec_lpc10.c                       |  334
 codecs/codec_speex.c                       |  650
 codecs/codec_ulaw.c                        |  449
 codecs/codec_zap.c                         |  406
 codecs/g723_slin_ex.h                      |   15
 codecs/gsm/Makefile                        |   90
 codecs/gsm/inc/private.h                   |   35
 codecs/gsm/libgsm.vcproj                   |  253
 codecs/gsm/src/add.c                       |    8
 codecs/gsm/src/code.c                      |    4
 codecs/gsm/src/decode.c                    |    2
 codecs/gsm/src/long_term.c                 |    8
 codecs/gsm/src/lpc.c                       |   14
 codecs/gsm/src/preprocess.c                |   22
 codecs/gsm/src/rpe.c                       |    6
 codecs/gsm/src/short_term.c                |   12
 codecs/ilbc/Makefile                       |   26
 codecs/ilbc/libilbc.vcproj                 |  353
 codecs/lpc10/Makefile                      |   27
 codecs/lpc10/bsynz.c                       |    4
 codecs/lpc10/decode.c                      |    4
 codecs/lpc10/encode.c                      |    8
 codecs/lpc10/energy.c                      |    2
 codecs/lpc10/f2clib.c                      |    6
 codecs/lpc10/irc2pc.c                      |    2
 codecs/lpc10/liblpc10.vcproj               |  305
 codecs/lpc10/lpc10.h                       |   14
 codecs/lpc10/lpcini.c                      |   14
 codecs/lpc10/onset.c                       |    2
 codecs/lpc10/pitsyn.c                      |   14
 codecs/lpc10/tbdm.c                        |    6
 codecs/lpc10/voicin.c                      |    2
 codecs/lpc10/vparms.c                      |    2
 codecs/slin_g723_ex.h                      |   36
 config.c                                   |  286
 config.guess                               | 1495 +
 config.sub                                 | 1609 +
 configs/agents.conf.sample                 |   37
 configs/alsa.conf.sample                   |   33
 configs/amd.conf.sample                    |   18
 configs/cdr.conf.sample                    |   20
 configs/cdr_tds.conf.sample                |    2
 configs/extconfig.conf.sample              |    4
 configs/extensions.ael.sample              |  386
 configs/extensions.conf.sample             |  125
 configs/features.conf.sample               |   32
 configs/followme.conf.sample               |   86
 configs/func_odbc.conf.sample              |   41
 configs/http.conf.sample                   |   28
 configs/iax.conf.sample                    |  126
 configs/iaxprov.conf.sample                |    6
 configs/indications.conf.sample            |   80
 configs/jabber.conf.sample                 |   18
 configs/jingle.conf.sample                 |   19
 configs/manager.conf.sample                |   18
 configs/meetme.conf.sample                 |   16
 configs/mgcp.conf.sample                   |   35
 configs/misdn.conf.sample                  |  257
 configs/modules.conf.sample                |   16
 configs/musiconhold.conf.sample            |   23
 configs/muted.conf.sample                  |   26
 configs/osp.conf.sample                    |    8
 configs/oss.conf.sample                    |  108
 configs/queues.conf.sample                 |  146
 configs/res_snmp.conf.sample               |   10
 configs/rpt.conf.sample                    |   15
 configs/rtp.conf.sample                    |    2
 configs/say.conf.sample                    |  171
 configs/sip.conf.sample                    |  285
 configs/skinny.conf.sample                 |   73
 configs/smdi.conf.sample                   |   43
 configs/udptl.conf.sample                  |   30
 configs/voicemail.conf.sample              |   39
 configs/zapata.conf.sample                 |   80
 configure                                  |28848
 configure.ac                               |  933
 contrib/dictionary.digium                  |   31
 contrib/init.d/rc.suse.asterisk            |  118
 contrib/scripts/managerproxy.pl            |    8
 contrib/scripts/meetme.sql                 |   12
 contrib/scripts/safe_asterisk              |   92
 contrib/scripts/safe_asterisk_restart      |  110
 contrib/utils/rawplayer.c                  |   16
 contrib/utils/zones2indications.c          |  153
 cryptostub.c                               |   11
 cygwin/Makefile                            |    3
 db.c                                       |   60
 db1-ast/Makefile                           |   52
 db1-ast/hash/hash.c                        |    2
 devicestate.c                              |  178
 dns.c                                      |   85
 dnsmgr.c                                   |  106
 doc/00README.1st                           |   74
 doc/CODING-GUIDELINES                      |   77
 doc/README.ael                             |  273
 doc/README.asterisk.conf                   |   76
 doc/README.backtrace                       |  187
 doc/README.cdr                             |  122
 doc/README.cliprompt                       |   28
 doc/README.configuration                   |  180
 doc/README.cygwin                          |    7
 doc/README.dundi                           |   26
 doc/README.enum                            |  306
 doc/README.extconfig                       |   85
 doc/README.externalivr                     |  109
 doc/README.h323                            |   23
 doc/README.iax                             |  369
 doc/README.ices                            |   12
 doc/README.jitterbuffer                    |  137
 doc/README.math                            |   69
 doc/README.misdn                           |  342
 doc/README.mp3                             |   19
 doc/README.mysql                           |   15
 doc/README.odbcstorage                     |   33
 doc/README.privacy                         |  361
 doc/README.realtime                        |  111
 doc/README.sms                             |  147
 doc/README.tds                             |   18
 doc/README.variables                       |  793
 doc/ael.txt                                | 1260 +
 doc/ajam.txt                               |   91
 doc/app-sms.txt                            |  470
 doc/app_sms.html                           |  834
 doc/asterisk-conf.txt                      |   83
 doc/asterisk-mib.txt                       |  739
 doc/backtrace.txt                          |  187
 doc/billing.txt                            |  120
 doc/callfiles.txt                          |  139
 doc/callingpres.txt                        |   18
 doc/cdr.txt                                |  171
 doc/cdrdriver.txt                          |  169
 doc/chaniax.txt                            |  369
 doc/channel.txt                            |   40
 doc/channels.txt                           |   44
 doc/channelvariables.txt                   |  811
 doc/cliprompt.txt                          |   29
 doc/configuration.txt                      |  180
 doc/cygwin.txt                             |    7
 doc/datastores.txt                         |   68
 doc/digium-mib.txt                         |   17
 doc/dundi.txt                              |   26
 doc/enum.txt                               |  308
 doc/extconfig.txt                          |   91
 doc/externalivr.txt                        |  109
 doc/freetds.txt                            |   18
 doc/h323.txt                               |   22
 doc/hardware.txt                           |   74
 doc/iax.txt                                |   12
 doc/ices.txt                               |   12
 doc/ip-tos.txt                             |   81
 doc/jabber.txt                             |   15
 doc/jingle.txt                             |    8
 doc/jitterbuffer.txt                       |  137
 doc/linkedlists.README                     |   98
 doc/linkedlists.txt                        |   98
 doc/manager.txt                            |    5
 doc/math.txt                               |   69
 doc/misdn.txt                              |  281
 doc/mp3.txt                                |   19
 doc/musiconhold-fpm.txt                    |    8
 doc/mysql.txt                              |   15
 doc/odbcstorage.txt                        |   33
 doc/osp.txt                                |  463
 doc/privacy.txt                            |  361
 doc/queuelog.txt                           |   32
 doc/radius.txt                             |  203
 doc/realtime.txt                           |  112
 doc/security.txt                           |   67
 doc/smdi.txt                               |   24
 doc/sms.txt                                |  147
 doc/snmp.txt                               |   36
 doc/speechrec.txt                          |  295
 doc/video.txt                              |   46
 dsp.c                                      |  193
 editline/term.c                            |    2
 enum.c                                     |  168
 file.c                                     | 1283 -
 fixedjitterbuf.c                           |  351
 fixedjitterbuf.h                           |   93
 formats/Makefile                           |   62
 formats/format_au.c                        |  394
 formats/format_g723.c                      |  188
 formats/format_g726.c                      |  478
 formats/format_g729.c                      |  174
 formats/format_gsm.c                       |  186
 formats/format_h263.c                      |  200
 formats/format_h264.c                      |  197
 formats/format_ilbc.c                      |  173
 formats/format_jpeg.c                      |   25
 formats/format_ogg_vorbis.c                |  608
 formats/format_pcm.c                       |  525
 formats/format_pcm_alaw.c                  |  352
 formats/format_sln.c                       |  171
 formats/format_vox.c                       |  180
 formats/format_wav.c                       |  279
 formats/format_wav_gsm.c                   |  384
 formats/msgsm.h                            |    4
 frame.c                                    |  343
 fskmodem.c                                 |    7
 funcs/Makefile                             |   76
 funcs/func_base64.c                        |  104
 funcs/func_callerid.c                      |  177
 funcs/func_cdr.c                           |  143
 funcs/func_channel.c                       |  196
 funcs/func_curl.c                          |  193
 funcs/func_cut.c                           |  323
 funcs/func_db.c                            |  221
 funcs/func_enum.c                          |  254
 funcs/func_env.c                           |  141
 funcs/func_global.c                        |   99
 funcs/func_groupcount.c                    |  152
 funcs/func_language.c                      |   86
 funcs/func_logic.c                         |  166
 funcs/func_math.c                          |  256
 funcs/func_md5.c                           |  106
 funcs/func_moh.c                           |   71
 funcs/func_odbc.c                          |  652
 funcs/func_rand.c                          |  120
 funcs/func_realtime.c                      |  174
 funcs/func_sha1.c                          |   94
 funcs/func_strings.c                       |  616
 funcs/func_timeout.c                       |  137
 funcs/func_uri.c                           |   77
 funcs/pbx_functions.c                      |   74
 http.c                                     |  671
 image.c                                    |   79
 include/asterisk.h                         |  152
 include/asterisk/abstract_jb.h             |  221
 include/asterisk/acl.h                     |   23
 include/asterisk/adsi.h                    |   84
 include/asterisk/ael_structs.h             |  187
 include/asterisk/alaw.h                    |    2
 include/asterisk/app.h                     |   75
 include/asterisk/astmm.h                   |   12
 include/asterisk/astobj.h                  |   70
 include/asterisk/astosp.h                  |   29
 include/asterisk/autoconfig.h.in           |  598
 include/asterisk/callerid.h                |   93
 include/asterisk/cdr.h                     |   71
 include/asterisk/channel.h                 |  668
 include/asterisk/chanspy.h                 |    2
 include/asterisk/chanvars.h                |    6
 include/asterisk/cli.h                     |  105
 include/asterisk/compat.h                  |   40
 include/asterisk/config.h                  |   12
 include/asterisk/crypto.h                  |   20
 include/asterisk/devicestate.h             |   30
 include/asterisk/dns.h                     |    8
 include/asterisk/dnsmgr.h                  |   18
 include/asterisk/doxyref.h                 |   70
 include/asterisk/endian.h                  |    3
 include/asterisk/enum.h                    |   20
 include/asterisk/features.h                |   16
 include/asterisk/file.h                    |  134
 include/asterisk/frame.h                   |  207
 include/asterisk/fskmodem.h                |   10
 include/asterisk/http.h                    |   63
 include/asterisk/image.h                   |   36
 include/asterisk/indications.h             |   19
 include/asterisk/io.h                      |   26
 include/asterisk/jabber.h                  |  144
 include/asterisk/jingle.h                  |   45
 include/asterisk/linkedlists.h             |   21
 include/asterisk/localtime.h               |   12
 include/asterisk/lock.h                    |  215
 include/asterisk/logger.h                  |   26
 include/asterisk/manager.h                 |   79
 include/asterisk/module.h                  |  490
 include/asterisk/monitor.h                 |   16
 include/asterisk/musiconhold.h             |   28
 include/asterisk/options.h                 |  108
 include/asterisk/pbx.h                     |  733
 include/asterisk/plc.h                     |    2
 include/asterisk/res_odbc.h                |   80
 include/asterisk/rtp.h                     |  100
 include/asterisk/say.h                     |   90
 include/asterisk/sched.h                   |  104
 include/asterisk/sha1.h                    |   81
 include/asterisk/smdi.h                    |  127
 include/asterisk/speech.h                  |  134
 include/asterisk/stringfields.h            |  304
 include/asterisk/strings.h                 |   38
 include/asterisk/tdd.h                     |   16
 include/asterisk/term.h                    |   32
 include/asterisk/translate.h               |  207
 include/asterisk/udptl.h                   |  120
 include/asterisk/ulaw.h                    |    2
 include/asterisk/utils.h                   |  218
 include/asterisk/vmodem.h                  |  184
 indications.c                              |   85
 install-sh                                 |  269
 io.c                                       |   49
 jitterbuf.c                                |   45
 jitterbuf.h                                |   48
 loader.c                                   | 1159 -
 logger.c                                   |  101
 makeopts.in                                |  136
 manager.c                                  | 1429 +
 md5.c                                      |    3
 missing                                    |  198
 mkinstalldirs                              |   40
 mkpkgconfig                                |   43
 muted.c                                    |    6
 muted.conf.sample                          |   26
 netsock.c                                  |   60
 pbx.c                                      | 5211 ++---
 pbx/Makefile                               |   80
 pbx/ael/ael-test/ael-ntest9/extensions.ael |   12
 pbx/ael/ael-test/ael-test1/extensions.ael  |  163
 pbx/ael/ael-test/ael-test2/apptest.ael2    |  146
 pbx/ael/ael-test/ael-test2/extensions.ael  |    8
 pbx/ael/ael-test/ael-test3/extensions.ael  | 3183 +++
 pbx/ael/ael-test/ael-test3/include1.ael2   |    3
 pbx/ael/ael-test/ael-test3/include2.ael2   |    4
 pbx/ael/ael-test/ael-test3/include3.ael2   |    2
 pbx/ael/ael-test/ael-test3/include4.ael2   |    2
 pbx/ael/ael-test/ael-test3/include5.ael2   |    1
 pbx/ael/ael-test/ael-test4/apptest.ael2    |  146
 pbx/ael/ael-test/ael-test4/extensions.ael  |    8
 pbx/ael/ael-test/ael-test5/extensions.ael  |  833
 pbx/ael/ael-test/ael-test6/extensions.ael  |  833
 pbx/ael/ael-test/ael-test7/extensions.ael  |  460
 pbx/ael/ael-test/ael-test8/extensions.ael  |   27
 pbx/ael/ael-test/ref.ael-ntest9            |   29
 pbx/ael/ael-test/ref.ael-test1             |   11
 pbx/ael/ael-test/ref.ael-test2             |   15
 pbx/ael/ael-test/ref.ael-test3             |   18
 pbx/ael/ael-test/ref.ael-test4             |   15
 pbx/ael/ael-test/ref.ael-test5             |    9
 pbx/ael/ael-test/ref.ael-test6             |   15
 pbx/ael/ael-test/ref.ael-test7             |   13
 pbx/ael/ael-test/ref.ael-test8             |   11
 pbx/ael/ael-test/runtests                  |   40
 pbx/ael/ael-test/setref                    |    7
 pbx/ael/ael.flex                           |  587
 pbx/ael/ael.tab.c                          | 3285 +++
 pbx/ael/ael.tab.h                          |  150
 pbx/ael/ael.y                              |  789
 pbx/ael/ael_lex.c                          | 3033 +++
 pbx/dundi-parser.c                         |   11
 pbx/kdeconsole_main.cc                     |   81
 pbx/pbx_ael.c                              | 4646 +++-
 pbx/pbx_config.c                           | 1772 -
 pbx/pbx_dundi.c                            | 1469 -
 pbx/pbx_gtkconsole.c                       |   28
 pbx/pbx_kdeconsole.cc                      |    5
 pbx/pbx_kdeconsole_main.cc                 |   81
 pbx/pbx_loopback.c                         |   61
 pbx/pbx_realtime.c                         |  152
 pbx/pbx_spool.c                            |  120
 plc.c                                      |   44
 privacy.c                                  |   11
 res/Makefile                               |  117
 res/res_adsi.c                             |   67
 res/res_agi.c                              |  461
 res/res_clioriginate.c                     |  180
 res/res_config_odbc.c                      |  206
 res/res_config_pgsql.c                     |  802
 res/res_convert.c                          |  157
 res/res_crypto.c                           |   43
 res/res_features.c                         | 1623 -
 res/res_indications.c                      |   82
 res/res_jabber.c                           | 2288 ++
 res/res_monitor.c                          |  263
 res/res_musiconhold.c                      |  433
 res/res_odbc.c                             |  749
 res/res_osp.c                              |  886
 res/res_smdi.c                             |  764
 res/res_snmp.c                             |  140
 res/res_speech.c                           |  377
 res/snmp/agent.c                           |  823
 res/snmp/agent.h                           |   40
 rtp.c                                      | 1824 +
 sample.call                                |   20
 say.c                                      |  756
 sched.c                                    |  305
 sha1.c                                     |  385
 slinfactory.c                              |   13
 sounds.txt                                 |   16
 sounds/Makefile                            |  107
 sounds/sounds.xml                          |   58
 srv.c                                      |   17
 static-http/ajamdemo.html                  |  219
 static-http/astman.css                     |   34
 static-http/astman.js                      |  262
 static-http/prototype.js                   | 1781 +
 stdtime/Makefile                           |    9
 stdtime/localtime.c                        |    4
 strcompat.c                                |   55
 tdd.c                                      |  148
 term.c                                     |   13
 translate.c                                |  687
 udptl.c                                    | 1255 +
 ulaw.c                                     |   21
 utils.c                                    |  452
 utils/Makefile                             |   94
 utils/ael_main.c                           |  256
 utils/astman.c                             |   70
 utils/expr2.testinput                      |   92
 utils/smsq.c                               |    9
 602 files changed, 148242 insertions(+), 67945 deletions(-)

Russell Bryant
Software Developer
Digium, Inc.

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