[asterisk-users] A very lost newbie.

Tom Vile tvile at baldwintechsolutions.com
Thu Jul 20 15:42:57 MST 2006


On 7/20/06, David R. <lists.david at gmail.com> wrote:
> Here's my situation.  I'm a programmer at the ISP I work for and my
> supervisors have seen fit for me to become an administrator for our new
> ventures into the VoIP world.  All of us are relatively new at this jazz,
> though naturally my higher ups have more experience than I.  We're toying
> with VoIP a lot in the office, and I personally feel like I'm fairly far
> behind them in knowledge of it all.
> I've done some studying the past day or two, and I grasp the basic
> principles of VoIP, Asterisk, and SER/OpenSER, and about 5% of the hardware
> involved in all of it (programmer; software guy).  I'd like to catch up to
> them as quickly as possible so I can be of most use.  Here's what I have
> available to me, and what I've done so far:
> - A box with OpenBSD (my preferred OS for most production servers)
> - Asterisk installed on the box.
> - One IP Phone
> - Installed Asterisk.
> - Written this e-mail.  :)
> I'm wondering where to begin.  I have Asterisk installed but don't know
> how to go about getting my IP phone to work with it.  To start, I'd like to
> make calls only internally on my home network (not even screwing with my
> company's network yet; they're further along into configs than I want to get
> into just yet) to a soft phone that Ubuntu Dapper Drake (my OS at home)
> comes with.
> My question is this:
> Where can I find good starter documentation(s) for my purposes?
> Thank you,
> David
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Tom Vile
Baldwin Technology Solutions, Inc
Consulting - Web Design - VoIP Telephony
Phone: 518-631-2855 x205
Fax:     518-631-2856
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