[asterisk-users] Bad luck installing bristuff on multiple Linux'es. Any one got a good-luck story I can repeat?

Kai Ober kast.asterisk at gmx.de
Wed Jul 19 06:53:35 MST 2006

Filip Drągowski schrieb:
> First question: Do You have kernel sources ?
> this is required for #make-ing zaptel
> i have installed asterisk-1.2.4 with bristuff-0.3.0-PRE-1k, libpri-1.2.2 
> and zaptel-1.2.3
> OS was Debian 3.1 with kernel, i compiled new kernel myself so 
> there was kernel sources in system.
> I didn't use bristuff autamated install.
> wget-ed asterisk, libpri, zaptel and patched them.
> there is recomended to use make linux26 when making zaptel on 2.6. 
> kernel. bristuff compile.sh don't have linux26 option

that linux26 stuff is as far as i know only important to ztdumm.ko, a 
kernel module which is needed, if you have no Zaptel Cards in your PC
and want to use MeetMe Conferencing system.

you dont need to tell zaptel wheter you have a 2.6 or 2.4 Kernel, the 
Makfile discovers this himself.

so, no need to worry about 2.4 or 2.6 stuff.

Getting kernel sources was a torture for me on Cent-OS 4.
maybe somebody can explain how to get them the right way!!!
and apply the patches and that.

Which Cards do you wanna use in your asterisk
(especiallly which ISDN cards, if any)

can you post the errormessage of the bristall install script?

regards Kai

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