[asterisk-users] taskset with asterisk

Tim C. Lewis tclewis at oreilly.com
Tue Jul 11 14:54:28 MST 2006

has anyone tried out using taskset/isolcpus/cpusets in any way with 
asterisk on linux?  any feedback if so?

as far as i can tell, aside from mpg123 and agi calls, asterisk doesn't 
appear to be threaded or fork in any way, so if i've got a multiproc 
system whose primary responsibility is asterisk, why not set all system 
processes (sshd, mysql for cdr, monitoring, etc) to the first cpu, and 
give asterisk full reign of the second cpu?  or am i missing something and 
asterisk actually will take advantage of MP aside from moh and agis?

thoughts?  i believe i've seen this mentioned on this list before, but 
can't recall the thread(s).


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