Ok "\; " works - let us modify asterisk.vim ; ) Re: [asterisk-users] [tip]semicolon trouble:

Robert Michel news at robertmichel.de
Sat Jul 8 08:33:44 MST 2006

Salve Maxim!

On Sat, 08 Jul 2006, Maxim Vexler wrote:
> exten => 100,1,System(touch /tmp/file1 \; touch /tmp/file2) works for me.
Here, too ;)

Erghhh, I should played with "\" before send noise to this list...
But thank you - your hint should be add to a documentation of 

> Note that && and || are logical operators,
right - for this reason I quotet man bash ;)

Ok \; is working fine - I just have modificated my vim syntax

-- syn match       asteriskComment         ";.*" contains=asteriskTodo
++ syn match       asteriskComment         "[^\\];.*" contains=asteriskTodo

And BTW for highlighting MP3Player() add:

++ syn match       asteriskApp             ",\zsMP3[a-zA-Z]\+\ze(" 


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