[asterisk-users] sip codec convertion on the fly

Raymond McKay asterisk at raynettech.com
Wed Jul 5 11:58:28 MST 2006

> sip phone (ulaw) -> asterisk -> internet <- asterisk <- sip phone (ulaw)
> it is possible to force the two asterisk to convert the codec from ulaw
> to, say, gsm ?
> i mean, without touching the two sip phones

Of course.

On the trunk between the two Asterisk servers, just add


to the trunk config.  From that point on, only GSM will transverse the trunk 
and the two asterisk boxes will transcode.  Remember though, transcoding 
takes processor power so if you have more than one phone on each end, you 
are going to eat up processor power quick.

Raymond McKay
RAYNET Technologies LLC
(860) 693-2226 x 31
Toll Free (877) 693-2226 

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