[Asterisk-Users] WebPhone

Jean-Denis Girard jd.girard at sysnux.pf
Mon Jul 3 00:41:15 MST 2006

Tzafrir Cohen a écrit :
> On Sat, Jul 01, 2006 at 07:27:37PM +0800, Dinesh Nair wrote:
>> On 06/29/06 04:41 Forrest Beck said the following:
>>> Here is a firefox plugin that connects to asterisk via IAX protocol.
>>> http://moziax.mozdev.org/
>> works only on windows, right ?
> Should also work on Linux. I haven't tested it yet as it requires
> Firefox 1.5 .
> You may need iaxclient on your system.

Thanks for pointing to MozIAX / MozPhone.

It works on Linux and Windows, and I'm still looking for help porting to 
OSX (should be easy).

MozPhone no longer depends on any external libraries (libiaxclient is 
statically compiled in, and jslib is now included). So install is very 
simple, like any other firefox extension. It is correct that newer 
versions work only with Firefox-1.5x; I have no time to also support 
1.0x, sorry.

There should be a new version soon, with the "call number selected from 
web page" functionality.

But I'm not sure that MozPhone is what the original poster asked.

Best regards,
Jean-Denis Girard
http://moziax.mozdev.org/ MozIAX, make phone calls with your browser

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