[Asterisk-Users] Mapoing extensions to specific trunks

Steve Foy steve at avecsolutions.com
Fri Jan 20 07:21:44 MST 2006



I'm using Asterisk @ Home with 8 ISDN channels, about 30 extensions and
a bunch of Cisco phones.


I was wondering if there is any way of "mapping" an extension to a
specific outbound trunk?


For example, there are 2 organisations in my building, 4 ISDN channels
have one telephone number, and the other 4 have a different number.

I need to be able to set 10 phones calling out over one group of trunks,
while the other 20 calling out over a separate group of trunks.


I have groups set up in capi.conf. I also have the appropriate CID
numbers set up in the trunks section of Asterisk @ Home, and the
corresponding CID numbers set up in each user's extension.


I thought then that if someone on extension 200 which has CID number
459000 that it would automatically work out which trunk to use, but it


So basically, I need to be able to pick a trunk based on the extension
of the calling party, rather than the external telephone number that is
being called.


Is there a way to do this!?

Any help is greatly appreciated,

Thanks, Steve

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