[Asterisk-Users] AEL2 -- The Future --

Steve Murphy murf at e-tools.com
Fri Jan 13 11:42:55 MST 2006

On Fri, 2006-01-13 at 10:24 -0700, Douglas Garstang wrote:
> Does ael support #include statements yet?
> Is there any way to perform a reload in asterisk and reload extensions.ael?
> If both of these aren't available yet, then AEL isn't ready for real-world use.
> Doug.


Good news, then!

#include "<filepath>"
where <filepath> can be either absolute, or relative to /etc/asterisk
and, on top of that, the #include "" stuff can be used to include
contexts, extensions, or even just stuff inside an extension. You can
use it ALMOST anywhere in the file. The scanner replaces it with the
contents of the file. Nesting is OK. 50 levels deep max.

to reload, 

> ael2 reload

in the asterisk command shell.

This is all there in the WIKI. Do not confuse AEL with AEL2.
See  http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Asterisk+AEL2

AEL2, I've done in the last month.

Check it out, work it over. Report your experience.


Steve Murphy <murf at e-tools.com>
Electronic Tools Company
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