[Asterisk-Users] Re: Failover Device?

Mike Fedyk mfedyk at mikefedyk.com
Fri Jan 13 02:18:18 MST 2006

Matt wrote:

>On 1/12/06, Tomislav Parcina <tparcina at lama.hr> wrote:
>>In article <c11d02530601110543w56a92b98n5df53ddce0bdbdd at mail.gmail.com>,
>>mhoppes at gmail.com says...
>>>Something seems to be wrong with the list.  I'm not the only person
>>>who has expressed seeing their messages either arrive late, or not at
>>I'm sure that I'm not the only person that has notice that there is lots
>>of people that start new thread by replaying to old message. That way
>>neither them, or lots of other people, sees that mail as new therad.
>Yeah I've noticed that too.. I don't do that though.
>Ok on to the question at hand.  I am trying to fail over asterisk.  I
>have PRI redundancy.  What I need, however, is someway to transfer the
>PRI from asterisk box A to asterisk box B if asterisk box A fails.  So
>while, yes, I can build a second asterisk box and use SER, or DNS or
>whatever to point my sip devices to it... the question is how do I get
>the PRIs to know which box to route to?
Check out red fone.  It is designed to work with Asterisk in a HA 
configuration.  Though, if you only have one, it will become the single 
point of failure.  It's about the same price as a TE411P with echo 

You have two PRIs already, that can be used for fail-over.  Put a TE110P 
in each server (or TE411P if you need echo cancellation in the card or 
plan on expanding) in each server.  If one fails you have your provider 
send calls to the other PRI if one fails.

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