[Asterisk-Users] Nested MySQL Commands

Gonzalo Servat gservat at gmail.com
Thu Jan 12 21:47:41 MST 2006

On 1/13/06, Mike Fedyk <mfedyk at mikefedyk.com> wrote:


> Also an ugly hack would be to call the perl bytecode instead of the text
> script.  That would allow for the ease of AGI (everything is cleaned up
> when the process exits) with lower overhead.
> FastAGI is of course what you want for production, but this can help in
> a pinch.

Also, just a suggestion that was mentioned to me by somebody (whose
nick I can't remember, sorry!) on the #asterisk chan, when using AGI
to do the sort of thing the original poster is after, it's a good idea
to set some "dial" variable and let the AGI exit and Dial from
Asterisk using this variable. This way the AGI exits and doesn't stay
running for the duration of the call.


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