[Asterisk-Users] Asterisk Jobs

gw at adcomcorp.com gw at adcomcorp.com
Mon Jan 9 21:58:28 MST 2006

You make it sound so easy.  Even one customer that you sell, you may
make $1000 but your initial overhead is high.  You need to be full time
first of all, and also be capable of supporting your customers.

Just my 2 cents follows:

I have been in the IT business for over 15 years, and I cannot count how
many customers I have gotten because their previous consultants were
either incapable, dishonest, or unable to properly support them.

My personal opinion is that lack of support and capability in the IT
world is a certain problem.  I literally work 24/7, but I would not have
it any other way(at least until retirement).  

The voip market especially has problems with customer retention,
reliability, tech support, etc...  I feel this has been one of the
markets biggest problems.  It almost seems to make sense that voip
companies be licensed in some form to guarantee a level of reliability
and service that customers deserve.

Look at the options, there are some companies that are bad, and some
that are very good, but from the customers perspective no way to
distinguish between them except the feedback on lists and forums, or
from people they trust.  

For example, a number of my clients use Cablevision/Optimum online for
voice, and horridly hate the customer service and repair service.
Whereas others use verizon and really cannot complain nearly as much(not
to say they do not have problems, but verizon has gotten much better
recently).  It has gotten to the point where I suggest people not to use
optimum online, mostly because of their voice network, and the fact that
the are subbing most of their service personel.  Their internet works
well though. 

I am not promoting verizon in any way, sure they are inflated, but when
it comes to the operation of someones business or the effect of
technology on their personal life, they would simply rather not deal
with the complicated.  If the VOIP market is to make a really big boom,
we need an enterprise approach, mostly to customer service...

This is one reason why vonage has done well, they have taken an
enterprise approach to serving clients.  Sure they limit their
capability a lot (e.g. no iax/sip, etc) but they have a good business
model and it will no doubt serve them well in the future.

Ok, my 2 cents are over :)

-----Original Message-----
From: asterisk-users-bounces at lists.digium.com
[mailto:asterisk-users-bounces at lists.digium.com] On Behalf Of Steven
Sent: Saturday, January 07, 2006 9:13 PM
To: Asterisk Users Mailing List - Non-Commercial Discussion
Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Users] Asterisk Jobs

I think it would be biggest is in consulting. The people that refuse or
cant  to pay for call manager or Avaya's one. Example asterisk &
sugarcrm.com they work together. Thats really good to sell. They arent
in monster.ca they are banging on doors making $.

Make a buch of pre setup asterisk configs that would be most popular
make marketing material, dump on website. go in trade shows. Demo and
make $

Steve kalcevich

Douglas Garstang wrote:

>I'm curious why the number of jobs out there requiring Asterisk seems
to be pretty low. After looking around dice, monster, careerbuilder etc,
I was surprised to find no more than 3-4 employment opportunities with
Asterisk throughout the US.
>Is it really that low? There seems to be a job of opportunities for
Cisco and other vendors solutions (duh... GUI's are good... duh). I
wonder if demand will increase, or am I just looking in the wrong
>- Doug.
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