[Asterisk-Users] iax2 wireless and Multicast

Rich Adamson radamson at routers.com
Tue Jan 3 12:55:14 MST 2006

> I'm proposing a wireless distribution system in infraestructure mode for a 
> valley with no cables and distant houses, respect to Asterisk, I can get a 
> company I work with to provide me with E1 and use LCR to get 4 different 
> telcos based on prefix.
> I've been reading a very interesting paper about voip on wireless, i recommend 
> it really
> http://wwwcsif.cs.ucdavis.edu/~wangw/VoIP_ISCC_CameraReady.pdf
> Second is more Radio spectrum oriented but its worth reading
> http://wwwcsif.cs.ucdavis.edu/~wangw/VTC_Final2.pdf
> I will have to manage From asterisk to clients IP-phones, so biefly the idea 
> is to multiplex voip flows in large packets and multicast them from 
> asterisk/AP to client stations. flows from client stations to asterisk 
> gateway go unicast. I wonder how iax2 protocol will be good for multiplex 
> (trunk) and multicast ??

Large packets might be okay if your objective is simply to send maximum
data with the lowest overhead. But, if there is any mix of traffic at all
on the wireless facility, small and more frequent packets will provide
better response to multiple sessions/applications/users.

I have a client that is running asterisk over commercial wireless serving
approximately a ten mile radius using Breezecom equipment. Asterisk works 
very well with no modifications at all using sip and iax. Played with all
codecs, and all work well.

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