[Asterisk-Users] Call quality problems

Michael Welter mike at telecommatters.net
Sat Feb 25 09:35:07 MST 2006

Doug Lytle wrote:
> Michael Welter wrote:
>> I'm having difficulty with an Asterisk system.  The external party has 
>> very good call quality, but the internal party hears clipping and drop 
>> outs.
> RX Gains too high
> IRQ sharing of the of the ZAP device

There is no ZAP device (it is a SIP-only implementation) and there are
no interrupts being shared.

> High load of the machine

The machine is totally idle.

The T1 vendor noticed 2% packet loss during a ping flood originating
from outside.  We changed the Cisco IAD, and there is no longer packet
loss, but we still have the clipping.

Asterisk 1.2.4.

Michael Welter
Telecom Matters Corp.
Denver, Colorado US
mike at TelecomMatters.net

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