[Asterisk-Users] Re: Fromstring when sending e-mail on recieved voicemail

Barry Flanagan barryf-lists at flanagan.ie
Tue Feb 21 06:54:29 MST 2006

Arne Morten Johansen wrote:
> Hi. I'm having trouble controlling the user info when sending e-mails
> from asterisk via sendmail to a Microsoft exchange server.
> When I receive the email the sender is always
> "asterisk at TheDomainISpecify.com" and the name of the sender is always
> "Added by portage for asterisk". I want to change both sender-address
> and the name of the sender.

This is actually picked up out of /etc/passwd by default AFAIK. In 
voicemail.conf you can change the "serveremail" and "fromstring" 
settings, although I think this is only in 1.2.x.

Hope this helps.

-Barry Flanagan

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