[Asterisk-Users] g.729 woes

Steve Kennedy steve-asterisk at gbnet.net
Fri Feb 17 12:16:42 MST 2006

On Fri, Feb 17, 2006 at 01:58:26PM -0500, Rusty Dekema wrote:

> I don't think it takes a great leap of the imagination to infer that
> Mr. Kennedy is in fact having the problem he describes and that,
> although it may not be 100% standard and correct usage, the question
> mark at the end of his sentence is intended to ask why this problem
> might be happening.
> If you want to criticize his English grammar and writing skills, why
> not come out and say so? If you want him to provide more specific
> information, why not say so and tell him what information you want?
> Sure, he should have provided more details on his situation, but is it
> really necessary to take snide potshots at people on these lists?

Infact turns out to be user error, when installing the codecs followed
the Digium insructions implicitly, which downloaded the codec optimised
for a P4, while the system running was 686 architechture.

We installed a 686 codec and suddenly everything sprung to life ;)

However though it works, codec negotiation is still weird, using a
SPA-3K with g.729a set to the preferred codec seems to ONLY use that.
While a Cisco phone (though having g.729 inbuilt) tends to negotiate say
alaw on a local LAN segment talking to the Asterisk box - while an IAX
call elsewhere is using g.729 (i.e. reguires translation). It doesn't
seem to do end to end negotiation.



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