[Asterisk-Users] Alarmreceiver

Shane Young asterisk at ShaneYoung.com
Wed Feb 15 12:19:22 MST 2006

Quoting andrutto <andrutto at poczta.fm>:

> I just want to ask if anyone has some experience with Alarmreceiver application in * 1.2? Is this
> application reliable (according to wiki it isn't)?

I don't see anywhere in the wiki where it says this is unreliable.  The wiki mentions that This
application is NOT Underwriter's Laboratory (UL) approved.  My experiance is that it is as reliable
as anything else in Asterisk.

I've been using it since August of 2004 and it's always worked fine for me.  I use a DMP security
system with card access.  When somone opens a door to my house with their card, it reports the
event to Asterisk which then annoucnes the name of the person who as come in (and what
door)throughout the house.  I also have a text message sent to my pager of the event.

I've also used it with a GE panel to send alarms from a remote Central Office.

> I managed to communicate Asterisk (Alarmreceiver) with a burglar alarm, but it behaves very
> strange. Sometimes alarmreceiver is able to get some events but sometimes not.

Can you be more specific?  How is the alarm panel connected to the Asterisk system (ATA, ZAP
Channel, etc)

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