[Asterisk-Users] TE411P Really Bad Echo

Eric "ManxPower" Wieling eric at fnords.org
Sun Feb 12 14:22:20 MST 2006

Since your EC only needs to support a tail long enough to handle the 
PSTN part of the call, I suspect even fairly short tails are fine.

Steve Underwood wrote:
> I don't know about the Tellabs cancellers in particular, but I think any 
> echo canceller built in the 80s will be a fairly poor performer. Many 
> improvements in EC occurred in the early 90s, in response to the 
> problems of earlier cancellers. Also, most older cancellers only cancel 
> fairly short echo tails, as the compute needed for longer cancellation 
> was expensive.
> On the other hand, they may be adequate for your needs, and are cheap.

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