[Asterisk-Users] Vegastream clockslip problems

Edwin Groothuis edwin at mavetju.org
Fri Feb 10 20:29:50 MST 2006

We have a Vegastream 400 connected to a digium Quad PRI card in an
asterisk server, for the T.38 faxing here.

Problem is that there are too many clockslips on it (and they get
logged by asterisk as HDLC aborts). I've double checked the
configuration on both sides, replaced the cable, tried different
ports etc.

It all lead to no resolution for it. Is there somebody on the list
who has a Vegastream 400 working fine?


Edwin Groothuis      |            Personal website: http://www.mavetju.org
edwin at mavetju.org    |          Weblog: http://weblog.barnet.com.au/edwin/

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