[Asterisk-Users] Rights problem with Voicemail and non-root user - yeah I know, I thought I had it fixed...

Giorgio Incantalupo gincantalupo at fgasoftware.com
Fri Feb 10 09:09:24 MST 2006

Hi Chuck.

I had the same problem.
I solved it using the externnotify parameter inside voicemail.conf.
Just launch a script which changes the /var/spool/asterisk permissions.

Giorgio Incantalupo

Chuck Bunn wrote:
> Hi,
> I thought I had this problem licked but there still is a rights 
> problem with ARI and Asterisk when using a non-root user (Following 
> the wiki at 
> http://www.voip-info.org/tiki-pagehistory.php?page=Asterisk+non-root&diff2=25). 
> When I issue the following:
> chmod --recursive u=rwX,g=rX,o= /var/spool/asterisk
> The above command results in the following rights on messages:
> msg0000.gsm    rwxr-x---       asterisk
> msg0000.txt    rw-r-----       asterisk
> msg0000.wav    rwxr-x---       asterisk
> I can transfer voicemails and play them but new messages comming in 
> get the following:
> msg0000.gsm    rwx------       asterisk
> msg0000.txt    rw-r--r--       asterisk
> msg0000.wav    rwx------       asterisk
> After changing the rights a transferred messages has the folowing rights:
> msg0000.gsm    rw-r-----       apache
> msg0000.txt    rw-r-----       apache
> msg0000.wav    rw-r-----       apache
> New voicemail cannot be played, deleted or transferred by the ARI 
> application. Apache is belongs to the Asterisk group. I thought I 
> understood SUID, GUID and sticky bit now I am not so sure. What is 
> really confussing to me is why the rights on the .txt file do not 
> match the other 2 after running the 'chmod --recursive ...' command. 
> Any help here would be greatly appreciated. I am using the lastest 
> versions of Asterisk 1.2.4 and Zaptel 1.2.3, etc.
> Thanks
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