[asterisk-users] E1 controller

Noah Miller noahisaacmiller at gmail.com
Sat Dec 30 21:18:27 MST 2006

Hi Muhammad -

> i have 8-port e1 controller, i am some confuse about e1 commands
> that is
> when and why we use cahnnel-group and pri-group e1 controller command
> let me konw the above question,
> i have further more questions related to this issue.
> i shall be very thankfull to you

I believe you're asking this question in the wrong place.  Those
commands are Cisco commands.  While it is possible to use Cisco PRI
equipment with asterisk, it is generally outside the scope of this
list.  You'll probably be able to get a better answer directly from
Cisco support.

- Noah

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