[asterisk-users] Questions about 1.4

Ira ira at extrasensory.com
Mon Dec 25 23:49:15 MST 2006

At 09:37 AM 12/25/2006, you wrote:
>The Asterisk Development Team is pleased to announce the first 
>release in the Asterisk 1.4 series, Asterisk 1.4.0!

Being the stupidly brave sort I've installed 1.4 and all seems to be 
working fine. A long time ago I had hints working just fine on my 
Aastra 480 CT phones and then it stopped. Never really worried about 
it but thought with 1.4 I'd try to get it working again.  And with 
1.4 is half works. The subscriptions are there, show hints shows the 
hints as they should be. Incoming calls correctly send the 
appropriate messages to the phones and the indicators show the 
correct status of the ringing, answered and the hung up states.  The 
problem seems to be that the proper messages are not sent when an 
outgoing call is made and so the status is not shown on the other 
phones like it is on incoming calls.

Another thing I've noticed is that twice today while sitting at the 
CLI prompt I was throw to the command line because Asterisk had 
exited. Typing asterisk started it right up again and then I could 
get back to the CLI.  I think both times it happened at the end of a 
call.  I'd try to list more info, but I don't know where to look.


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