[asterisk-users] Re: Match a Numer - then continue with dialplan

Benny Amorsen benny+usenet at amorsen.dk
Wed Dec 20 14:46:28 MST 2006

>>>>> "DG" == Douglas Garstang <dgarstang at oneeighty.com> writes:

DG> Benny, lets say I have this...

DG> exten => _X.,1,NoOp(1)
DG> exten => _X.,2,NoOp(2)
DG> exten => _X.,3,NoOp(3) <- Current code execution location

DG> exten => 555,1,NoOp(1)
DG> exten => 555,2,NoOp(2)
DG> exten => 555,3,NoOp(3)

DG> How would I jump back into the dialplan from the current execution
DG> location and continue to search for matches?

You just Goto() wherever you want to go. Of course if you Goto back in
the same context, you'll have an infinite loop. So don't do that, make
a separate context without the exten you did Goto() from.


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