[asterisk-users] Thomson ST2030S and BLF

Alberto Pastore alberto at msoft-italia.com
Wed Dec 20 07:32:06 MST 2006

Olivier ha scritto:
> Alberto,
> Call pickup is not implemented yet within Thomson ST2030 (1.50 firmware).
> More precisely, call pickup current implementation is not Asterisk 
> compliant.
> A new release is scheduled for February (I've got this confirmed by 
> Thomson 10 minutes ago) but we don't know if call pickup will be 
> included.
> Regards
I'd like to know what kind of compliance is required.
I've tried to track what happens when a subscriber line key is

- The Thomson phone sends an initial SUBSCRIBE message to Asterisk
  (each message is actually send twice, the first as anonymous,
   NACKed, the second with md5 digest auth, ACKed by asterisk)

- The Thomson phone sends subsequent periodic SUBSCRIBE
  refreshing  messages to Asterisk

- When the SIP channel whose extension is "hint"-ed in extensions.conf
  gets busy/ringing/etc., Asterisk sends a NOTIFY message with a
  xml body containing the updated status on the line

- The Thomson ACKs the NOTIFY and updates the LED status accordingly

These steps work regularly.

Now, when a line is ringing, if I press the flashing line key,
the Thomson sends a SUBSCRIBE message to Asterisk instead of an INVITE
(which is sent, on the opposite, when the line key is not flashing).

Asterisk replies (I guess) correctly by ACKing and sending a
NOTIFY (which is also ACKed by Thomson).

Then nothing happens, the phone gives an error and...voilà, the key
keeps flashing fast until next reboot.

I wonder why the ST2030 sends a SUBSCRIBE upon key press
when the key is flashing,
while it sends an INVITE when the key is lit or off.

Any clue on that?
What is the ST2030 expecting back from Asterisk in order to proceed
with call pickup??
It looks like the phone is NOT willing to send any pickup request...

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