[asterisk-users] SIP firmware for Siemens Optipoint 410 Economy?

Jean-Denis Girard jd.girard at sysnux.pf
Sun Dec 10 14:00:51 MST 2006

Sven Beisiegel a écrit :
> Hi...
> I will send you the firmware for the 410 economy tomorrow... This
> firmare can only be used for the 410 economy, not for any other 410,
> 400 or 420

Hi Sven,

I have 2 OptiPoint 410 Economy for test, and would be very interested in 
getting the SIP firmware too. Is it available somewhere on a public site 
or is this an additional purchase?

Jean-Denis Girard

SysNux                  Systèmes Linux en Polynésie française
http://www.sysnux.pf/   Tél: +689 483 527 / GSM: +689 797 527

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