[asterisk-users] DNS

Ola Lidholm olal at plea.se
Fri Aug 25 11:27:09 MST 2006

On 25 aug 2006, at 20.18, Bill Gibbs wrote:

> Asterisk server is setup in /etc/resolv.conf to query my primary  
> and backup NS.  Had an issue with my primary NS and asterisk  
> refused to complete any calls or forward inbound calls to  
> extensions.  I had to manually switch it to look at the backup NS  
> first then reboot for it to start working while I fixed the  
> primary.  Is this behavior normal or am I missing a step?  All  
> hosts, etc are identified by IP.
I have had similar issues.

To sort of resolve this I had to install a local name-server on the  
machine that contains the addresses asterisk tries to resolve  
(changing to using IP-addresses did not fix the issue for me either).

I would prefer an option in asterisk that tells it to not resolv more  
than once on each address.


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