[asterisk-users] Challenging problem regarding CallerID in TDM 04B (Trying to solve since 8 days)

El Flynn el_flynn at lanvik-icu.com
Thu Aug 17 13:13:17 MST 2006

Crazy Boy wrote:
>    Hi,
> Here I am posting my problem. I am getting this problem since 8 days. I have studied documentation and looked previous posts in forums. But, I am unable to solve this problem. Please show me a solution. I am from India. 
> We have installed Asterisk with Digium 04B card (4 FXO ports). Now, I  have connected my PSTN line directly to first port. I am making outgoing  calls and receiving incoming calls successfully through my Asterisk. The  problem is: When I am receiving a call from outside (PSTN-Eg. Mobile), I am not  getting the callerid number of the caller and getting callerid as "Asterisk" in my  softphones (XLite).
> When somebody calls from outside (Eg: mobile), I am getting this below error message on Asterisk console:
> Error Message:
> Aug  17 19:45:41 ERROR[10449]: callerid.c:276  callerid_feed: fsk_serie made mylen < 0 (-8)
> Aug  17 19:45:41 WARNING[10449]: chan_zap.c:6087  ss_thread: CallerID feed failed: Success
> Aug  17 19:45:41 WARNING[10449]: chan_zap.c:6131  ss_thread: CallerID returned with error on channel  'Zap/1-1'
> Please tell me the solution. Looking forward to your kind response. 

Do you actually _HAVE_ caller ID on that PSTN line?


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