[asterisk-users] SIP asterisk over Linksys VPN

Raymond McKay asterisk at raynettech.com
Wed Aug 16 15:53:38 MST 2006

> phones.  Now I can call him be he can't hear anything. Everything else
> works fine through the vpn.  Most importantly, I can't trouble shoot
> correctly.  I finally gave up and got him callvantage.  Now all I have
> to worry about is forwarding a DID number.

I seem to remember some issues like that with older firmware on the routers. 
It was passing through some traffic but loosing others.  Since I've upgraded 
every linksys I deal with to the latest firmware, all similar issues have 
disappeared.  You might want to give that a try

Raymond McKay
RAYNET Technologies LLC
(860) 693-2226 x 31
Toll Free (877) 693-2226 

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