[asterisk-users] Asterisk time not the same as unit time ?

Andre Courchesne - Consultant courchea at net-forces.com
Mon Aug 14 13:45:41 MST 2006


  I test the Asterisk time using SayUnixTime and see the following:

    -- Executing SayUnixTime("SIP/1000-0822ec80", "||ABdY 'digits/at' 
IMp") in new stack
    -- Playing 'digits/day-1' (language 'fr')
    -- Playing 'digits/mon-7' (language 'fr')
    -- Playing 'digits/14' (language 'fr')
    -- Playing 'digits/2' (language 'fr')
    -- Playing 'digits/thousand' (language 'fr')
    -- Playing 'digits/6' (language 'fr')
    -- Playing 'digits/at' (language 'fr')
    -- Playing 'digits/8' (language 'fr')
    -- Playing 'digits/oclock' (language 'fr')
    -- Playing 'digits/40' (language 'fr')
    -- Playing 'digits/3' (language 'fr')
    -- Playing 'digits/p-m' (language 'fr')

  Then at the linux prompt:
    [root at pbx2 tmp]# date
    Mon Aug 14 16:44:15 EDT 2006

  The Linux command line time is connect, but not Asterisk...



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