[Asterisk-Users] integrated voip originator, to digitize audio once and only once?

Tom Engleward engleward at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 30 12:46:38 MST 2006

Calling 7777 from a local extension on my local
network, I get good voice quality from asterisk, and
asterisk reliably recognizes my dtmf input.
I set up a sipphone trunk (free) and called in to it
via a separate sipphone account on another computer,
and got slightly lower, but still good, audio quality.
I set up a FWD trunk (free) and called in from the
other computer, and got somewhat lower quality, barely
I set up an ipkall account (free) pointing to the FWD
number, and called from a pstn number, and got less
than acceptable, barely understandable audio, with
asterisk frequently missing dtmf digits and frequently
getting duplicate digits. Finally, I set up a toll
free number at kall8.com (for a few bucks) and pointed
it to the ipkall number, called from a pstn line, and
got audio that I could barely even recognize was my
own recorded greeting being played by asterisk, and
sending accurate dtmf was hopeless.
My calls are being routed through multiple networks,
and probably passing through multiple digital-analog
I need a toll free pstn originator which will send
calls directly to my asterisk machine via iax2, with a
grand total of only one digital-analog conversion
(besides whatever the pstn company does on its own
networks). The only possibly suitable originators I've
found want substantial money up-front, before I even
get a chance to test their audio quality. I have very
low volume requirements and only need capability for
two or three simultaneous calls. I do realize that
using free providers is not giving me an accurate
impression of the potential quality of voip, but I'm
not willing to pay somebody like broadvoice $50 up
front just for the chance to find out whether they can
provide toll free origination for me with good enough
quality that I can actually understand what my
asterisk machine is saying over the phone.
Are there an quality direct toll-free-to-iax2
originators which charge only per-minute usage fees
(and optionally a very low monthly fee), rather than
charging several tens of dollars in setup fees?


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