[Asterisk-Users] video support on iax trunk

asterisk at frameweb.it asterisk at frameweb.it
Fri Apr 28 03:21:47 MST 2006

Hi all,
I have 2 remote asterisk servers (1.2.5 version) , both of them locally
supporting both iax and sip video.

I connected the two asterisk via Internet / IAX2 trunk (two way connection)

When I dial from one sip video phone on the first server a sip video phone
on the second server, the voice is ok;

when one of the two phones try to start the video, the call is suddendly

Moreover, if I am connected to the asterisk console (of the server hosting
the sip phone which does not started the video),
I receive a "disconnected from asterisk".

Both of the client only support Basic H.261 codecs

What can I try to look for ??


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