[Asterisk-Users] Outgoing Ringback Indications IAX vs. SIP

Steve Feinstein steve at gatherworks.com
Fri Apr 14 17:40:12 MST 2006

I've been pulling my hair out over this one trying to understand it.

If you have a very simple extension:

exten => 1,n,Dial(IAX2/Steve|24|r)

Everything I've seen says this should tell the IAX phone (our own 
iaxclient based one) to make a ringing sound, or asterisk should make 
the ringback indication itself if it determines that the channel can't 
do it for itself.

But you can dial this extension all day and you never hear a ringback 
indication.  Dial it from a SIP softphone and you do.  If you change the 
default country in the indications.conf, the SIP phone will change the 
way the ring sounds.  IAX, still nothing.

You can use PlayTones(ring) in the dialplan before the Dial(), and it 
seems to behave ok.  Playing the appropriate ring indication until the 
call is answered.  But it seems like the behavior is inconsistent with 
IAX vs. SIP.  Is this by design?

All the IAX soft phones I've tried are based on the same iaxclient libs, 
so it's hard to know if it's the phone or asterisk that's not behaving 
right.  Has anyone used an iax hard phone, some other IAX 
device/software, and does it exhibit the same behavior?  Or is this a 
problem with the iax code not being telling asterisk that IAX phones 
need to have their indications faked.

Any ideas about what's going on would be most gratefully appreciated.

-Steve Feinstein  (asterisk btw)
GatherWorks, Inc.

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