[Asterisk-Users] sip nat bug

marek cervenka cervajs at fpf.slu.cz
Thu Apr 13 06:59:58 MST 2006


can you someone explain this bug? (or point me to number from 

2006-03-28 19:07 +0000 [r15699]  Olle Johansson <oej at edvina.net>
  * channels/chan_sip.c: Fix breakage of NAT support for peers with
    qualify=yes. Thanks Damin for access to your system, sorry folks.


Marek Cervenka
Centrum Vypocetni Techniky
CVT 		- http://cvt.fpf.slu.cz
FPF SLU OPAVA 	- http://www.fpf.slu.cz
LCNA 		- http://lcna.slu.cz

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