[Asterisk-Users] meetme

Miles Scruggs asterisk at garnetweb.com
Sun Apr 9 09:49:32 MST 2006

> Snip..
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Miles
>>>> If you type "modprobe zaptel" "modprobe ztdummy" at the Linux CLI, 
>>>> what do you get?
>>> Nothing, they were loaded before, and loaded just fine.
>>> lsmod      Module                  Size  Used by
>>> ztdummy                 2608  -
>>> rtc                    10620  -
>>> zaptel                186468  -
>>> crc_ccitt               1576  -
>>> 3c59x                  40240  -
>>> _______________________________________________
>> And your dialplan for extension 9999?
> Also post a 'show applications' form your asterisk CLI> prompt.
Here they are all 154 of them (and meetme is missing from the list)

*CLI> show applications
    -= Registered Asterisk Applications =-
       AbsoluteTimeout: Set absolute maximum time of call
        AddQueueMember: Dynamically adds queue members
              ADSIProg: Load Asterisk ADSI Scripts into phone
    AgentCallbackLogin: Call agent callback login
            AgentLogin: Call agent login
  AgentMonitorOutgoing: Record agent's outgoing call
                   AGI: Executes an AGI compliant application
         AlarmReceiver: Provide support for receving alarm reports from 
a burglar or fire alarm panel
                Answer: Answer a channel if ringing
    AppendCDRUserField: Append to the CDR user field
          Authenticate: Authenticate a user
            BackGround: Play a file while awaiting extension
      BackgroundDetect: Background a file with talk detect
                  Busy: Indicate the Busy condition
         ChangeMonitor: Change monitoring filename of a channel
           ChanIsAvail: Check channel availability
               ChanSpy: Listen to the audio of an active channel

            CheckGroup: Check the channel count of a group against a limit
            Congestion: Indicate the Congestion condition
       ControlPlayback: Play a file with fast forward and rewind
                   Cut: Splits a variable's contents using the specified 
              DateTime: Says a specified time in a custom format
                 DBdel: Delete a key from the database
             DBdeltree: Delete a family or keytree from the database
                 DBget: Retrieve a value from the database
                 DBput: Store a value in the database
               DeadAGI: Executes AGI on a hungup channel
                  Dial: Place a call and connect to the current channel
               Dictate: Virtual Dictation Machine
          DigitTimeout: Set maximum timeout between digits
             Directory: Provide directory of voicemail extensions
                  DISA: DISA (Direct Inward System Access)
              DumpChan: Dump Info About The Calling Channel
           DUNDiLookup: Look up a number with DUNDi
                  EAGI: Executes an EAGI compliant application
                  Echo: Echo audio read back to the user
              EndWhile: End A While Loop
            EnumLookup: Lookup number in ENUM
                  Eval: Evaluates a string
                  Exec: Executes internal application
                ExecIf: Conditional exec
            ExecIfTime: Conditional application execution based on the 
current time
           ExternalIVR: Interfaces with an external IVR application
              Festival: Say text to the user
               ForkCDR: Forks the Call Data Record
              GetCPEID: Get ADSI CPE ID
         GetGroupCount: Get the channel count of a group
    GetGroupMatchCount: Get the channel count of all groups that match a 
                 Gosub: Jump to label, saving return address
               GosubIf: Jump to label, saving return address
                  Goto: Jump to a particular priority, extension, or context
                GotoIf: Conditional goto
            GotoIfTime: Conditional Goto based on the current time
                Hangup: Hang up the calling channel
       HasNewVoicemail: Conditionally branches to priority + 101 with 
the right options set
          HasVoicemail: Conditionally branches to priority + 101 with 
the right options set
         IAX2Provision: Provision a calling IAXy with a given template
                  ICES: Encode and stream using 'ices'
             ImportVar: Import a variable from a channel into a new variable
       LookupBlacklist: Look up Caller*ID name/number from blacklist 
         LookupCIDName: Look up CallerID Name from local database
                 Macro: Macro Implementation
             MacroExit: Exit From Macro
               MacroIf: Conditional Macro Implementation
         MailboxExists: Check to see if Voicemail mailbox exists
                  Math: Performs Mathematical Functions
                   MD5: Calculate MD5 checksum
              MD5Check: Check MD5 checksum
             Milliwatt: Generate a Constant 1000Hz tone at 0dbm (mu-law)
            MixMonitor: Record a call and mix the audio during the recording
               Monitor: Monitor a channel
             MP3Player: Play an MP3 file or stream
           MusicOnHold: Play Music On Hold indefinitely
                 MYSQL: Do several mySQLy things
                NBScat: Play an NBS local stream
                 NoCDR: Tell Asterisk to not maintain a CDR for the 
current call
                  NoOp: Do Nothing
                  Park: Park yourself
       ParkAndAnnounce: Park and Announce
            ParkedCall: Answer a parked call
      PauseQueueMember: Pauses a queue member
                Pickup: Directed Call Pickup
              Playback: Play a file
             PlayTones: Play a tone list
        PrivacyManager: Require phone number to be entered, if no 
CallerID sent
              Progress: Indicate progress
                 Queue: Queue a call for a call queue
                Random: Conditionally branches, based upon a probability
                  Read: Read a variable
              ReadFile: ReadFile(varname=file,length)
              RealTime: Realtime Data Lookup
        RealTimeUpdate: Realtime Data Rewrite
                Record: Record to a file
     RemoveQueueMember: Dynamically removes queue members
              ResetCDR: Resets the Call Data Record
       ResponseTimeout: Set maximum timeout awaiting response
             RetryDial: Place a call, retrying on failure allowing 
optional exit extension.
                Return: Return from gosub routine
               Ringing: Indicate ringing tone
              SayAlpha: Say Alpha
            SayCountPL: Say the counting word the fits to a number
             SayDigits: Say Digits
             SayNumber: Say Number
           SayPhonetic: Say Phonetic
           SayUnixTime: Says a specified time in a custom format
              SendDTMF: Sends arbitrary DTMF digits
             SendImage: Send an image file
              SendText: Send a Text Message
               SendURL: Send a URL
                   Set: Set channel variable(s) or function value(s)
            SetAccount: Set the CDR Account Code
           SetAMAFlags: Set the AMA Flags
           SetCallerID: Set CallerID
         SetCallerPres: Set CallerID Presentation
       SetCDRUserField: Set the CDR user field
            SetCIDName: Set CallerID Name
             SetCIDNum: Set CallerID Number
          SetGlobalVar: Set a global variable to a given value
              SetGroup: Set the channel's group
           SetLanguage: Set the channel's preferred language
        SetMusicOnHold: Set default Music On Hold class
              SetRDNIS: Set RDNIS Number
  SetTransferCapability: Set ISDN Transfer Capability
                SetVar: Set channel variable(s)
          SIPAddHeader: Add a SIP header to the outbound call
           SIPDtmfMode: Change the dtmfmode for a SIP call
          SIPGetHeader: Get a SIP header from an incoming call
                   SMS: Communicates with SMS service centres and SMS 
capable analogue phones
            SoftHangup: Soft Hangup Application
                  Sort: Sorts a list of keywords and values
              StackPop: Remove one address from gosub stack
      StartMusicOnHold: Play Music On Hold
           StopMonitor: Stop monitoring a channel
       StopMusicOnHold: Stop Playing Music On Hold
         StopPlayTones: Stop playing a tone list
                System: Execute a system command
            TestClient: Execute Interface Test Client
            TestServer: Execute Interface Test Server
              Transfer: Transfer caller to remote extension
             TrySystem: Try executing a system command
            TXTCIDName: Lookup caller name from TXT record
    UnpauseQueueMember: Unpauses a queue member
             UserEvent: Send an arbitrary event to the manager interface
               Verbose: Send arbitrary text to verbose output
        VMAuthenticate: Authenticate with Voicemail passwords
             VoiceMail: Leave a Voicemail message
         VoiceMailMain: Check Voicemail messages
                  Wait: Waits for some time
             WaitExten: Waits for an extension to be entered
           WaitForRing: Wait for Ring Application
        WaitForSilence: Waits for a specified amount of silence
       WaitMusicOnHold: Wait, playing Music On Hold
                 While: Start A While Loop
            Zapateller: Block telemarketers with SIT
    -= 154 Applications Registered =-

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