[Asterisk-Users] Using Call Progress

Rich Adamson radamson at routers.com
Thu Apr 6 07:54:31 MST 2006

Eric Buruschkin wrote:
> I'm attempting to use callprogress in my system, and I'm having 
> trouble.   Callprogress always can tell if the line is busy or ringing, 
> but when the line is answered, the call does not get bridged.  

If the call is not bridged as soon as * is done dialing, then you have a 
configuration problem and its likely to be in extensions.conf. Please 
post the section that includes the dial statement for the zap interface.
If your dial statement includes an "r" option, take it out and test 
again. You should be using something like:
  exten => _9XXXXXXX,1,Dial(Zap/4/${EXTEN})

> Messages 
> showing that "line is ringing" stop in the console and if the called 
> party hangs up, asterisk reports the line is busy.

The call progress function in asterisk is known to not be all that 
accurate or useful. If you are using busydetect, then do something like 

where the busycount represents the number of tone cycles to listen to 
before judging whether its a busy signal or not. (Values less then six 
will oftentimes result in inaccurate detection.)

> Are there any settings that I could use to help with this issue?  I am 
> using asterisk 1.2.4 with TDM04B (FXO) cards on a RHEL3 system.  
> Something in indications.conf or zonedata.c/dsp.c in the source that can 
> be tweaked?

I'm assuming you are located in the US. If not, there are significant 
variations from one country to another in terms of tones used, answer 
supervision, etc.

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