[Asterisk-Users] 1.2.6 doesn't use mpg123?

Matt mhoppes at gmail.com
Mon Apr 3 11:56:08 MST 2006

> Right now we have seventy calls waiting in queues (all with native MOH)
> and 120 calls connected to agents.  The box is jumping between 50%-60%
> idle.  "ps auxm" shows 241 threads for Asterisk, but none of them take
> more than 0.8% CPU.
> Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing an option that allowed native MOH to
> pull from a single thread for each class.  It would probably yield lower
> CPU utilization, but I'm not sure how difficult it would be to
> implement.  If enough people are interested in this feature, it should
> be submitted through Mantis as a feature request.

Wow ... that's some pretty heavy call utilitization... ok good to
know.    With 6 calls on hold I'm seeing about 0.2% CPU used.  It just
seems like opening a new thread for every MOH instance will use more
disk i/o as well.

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